>Then my OS (Ubuntu 10.04) will work.  B-)  I've avoided building
>my own installs because I got tired of maintaining dependencies,
>the main advantage (for me) of using Ubuntu.  (It used to be so
>easy:  install GNU, then install X, then install a couple of
>"etc." software like MH and emacs.  B-)

I know what you mean.  I think in terms of external dependencies we
aren't so bad (although if you want to submit email to gmail, you'll need
cyrus-sasl and openssl, but those are becoming more and more standard

>Funny -- I was thinking of downloading the NMH source and hacking
>it to stop it doing that, and then I read on some webpage that it
>was sendmail that did that.  (Bad information!)

Just curious ... where did you read that?  AFAIK sendmail won't add a
Sender header, but I could be wrong ... definitely in your case nmh
was doing it, as you've discovered.

>I wasn't aware I was using spost.  (Actually I wasn't aware of
>the existence of an NMH package program called "spost" before.)

Well, if you don't have a postproc in your .mh_profile, then I guess
you're using the sendmail MTS.  You can look in mts.conf for that.
We've cleaned that up, but that's probably post-1.5 (but it shouldn't
be needed for this problem).

>Not having to use sendmail has appeal, although I would still
>need it for the incoming email that I fetch from GMail.  Though
>I suspect that there's a way to do that as well without needing
>sendmail.  (Ah, never needing sendmail again!  B-)

You could probably do that with "inc", the nmh tool designed for that :-).
Might need some finessing with the current limitations on inc, though.
But it should be doable.


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