As the guy who created this mess in the first place, I appreciate the work
that y'all are doing 'cause I unfortunately don't have time right now.

I take the blame for attach beinging incompatible with mhbuild because it
uses mhbuild internally.  The problem is that attach has to deal with drafts
that contain lines that begin with a # because the draft might be something
like a snippet of C code with #include or something.  So I don't think that
adding more magic directives is really going to help.

I personally don't have any problem with the way that it works now.  I never
use mhbuild directly, and am happy seeing the list of attachments with "al"
at "whatnow"; I don't need to see them expanded as gobs of gibberish.

If I was going to pick at something that is truly error-prone that I screw
up all of the time it's forwarding and replying to multipart messages.  I
don't like automime because it needlessly complicates simple messages, but
I often forget to "mime" things at "whatnow" and screw 'em up.

What I like about attach is that it just does the right thing and I don't
have to know how it does it internally.  It would be really nice if the
same were true with other parts of the ui.  The nmh MIME support comes
across to me as a wart.  No offense intended, it's a really useful wart and
I use it every day.  But it's not really integrated into the ui in a pleasant

I would be more interested in rethinking the ui in a holistic way than picking
at details that exist because of how the ui evolved.  And I wish that I had
time to contribute more.


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