Robert wrote:

> awk 'length($0) == 0 && e == 1 { next }
>       { e = length($0) == 0 }
>       { print }'

results in:
  awk: syntax error near line 2
  awk: illegal statement near line 2

Ralph wrote:

> Oh, line 1.  `awk --posix' here suggests length would like parenthesis.
>    awk '!length() && e {next} {e = !length()} 1'

That didn't help, "awk: syntax error near line 1".

> I wonder if `diff -b' is the wrong approach as it's applying the -b to
> the whole file.

That's OK.  mhfixmsg uses an external program to present
html, so the output can have arbitrary spacing.  I want
to ignore that in the test.


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