>this falls way down low in the pet peeve category:
>why is it that post, when showing me where my message is
>going to be delivered, says "someone at example.com" rather
>than "some...@example.com"?
>i'm guessing there's some ancient history surrounding that, but can't
>imagine what it might be.

That's the old RFC 733 address syntax, and yes, the nmh parser supports
it, although I don't know how well it interoperates with some of the
more modern stuff we've added since then.  If I had to guess, that's
just a holdover from those days.  RFC 733 was published in 1977, and one
of the authors was David Crocker, who worked at Rand at the time.

(BTW, I've been meaning to try to get in a "What does the Fox Say?" joke
with you on the nmh mailing list for a while now, but I couldn't quite
pull it together).


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