>it's now the primary UI for attachments.  why not make it a rich UI?

There are some technical reasons.  Right now the filename in an Attach:
header consists of everything starting from the first non-space character
all the way to the newline.  This works fine for filenames with spaces
in them (as long as it doesn't start with them), shell metacharacters,
etc etc.  Since the "attach" WhatNow? command right now processes the
shell globbing, that would either be an interface change, or we'd have
to escape filenames that attach outputs so they aren't processed by
the Attach: header.

Those aren't insurmountable, but somehow mhbuild feels like the wrong
place to be processing shell globbing.  We have enough higher level tools
to do that (you can do it from the attach command, or you could write your
own thing and call anno, or create an editor macro ...).  I admit that's
not a great reason, so I could be persuaded that I am wrong.

>perhaps what's needed instead is a confirmation step at whatnow, to
>confirm that what's been attached is what was intended.

There is -v to the attach command; part of me thinks that should be the


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