I take back back what I said, earlier about the default format that my editor
stored nmh bound files in. A few weeks, ago, I did change the default to
UTF-8. But as of, Dec 14 2012, for files whose names are all digits and are in
in my draft folder the default is overridden to ISO-8859-1. I don't know I why
did that.

Pending your instructions, I will not fix this problem. The two questions are
what should be the storage charset be for files destined for nmh and should be
the charset for other files.

From, within my Editor, the three lines below look exactly as they looked in
the terminal emulator, and exactly as I think they should look, based on you

This is a micro sign (U+00B5): µ
This is a Euro symbol (U+0020AC): €
This is the Pi symbol (U+03C0): π

I got them into the editor my copying and pasting. (Actually, the X shortcut
for copying and pasting, if that matters. I just selected them from the
terminal emulator, and clicked into my Editor).

> How did you get the saved text from the saved editor file into nmh?

I typed "s\n" into "whatnow". As will do, in a moment, after storing as UTF-8.

    Norman Shapiro

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