one thing (okay, a couple of things) did occur to me:

ken wrote:
 > paul wrote:
 > >i've just build/installed latest git.  now that post defaults to port
 > >587, i'm wondering how to configure the port number back to 25.  i've
 > >found the -port option to send and post, but no mention of a means
 > >to configure this in mts.conf.  
 > Well, I guess our thinking was you could always configure this in
 > your .mh_profile, e.g.:
 > send: -port 25

a personal .mh_profile doesn't seem like the right place for this. 
and while mhn.defaults would work (right?) it would sure look out of
place there.  i'm not sure what i'm suggesting, though.  adding another
central config file seems just as bad.

 > >the error, when attempting to send a message, is:
 > >
 > >    post: problem initializing server; [BHST] no servers available
 > >    send: message not delivered to anyone
 > >
 > >which isn't particularly indicative that it's actually the default
 > >port that's changed.
 > If you add -snoop, the errors become more verbose:
 > What now? send -server localhost -snoop
 > Trying to connect to "localhost" ...
 > Connecting to ::1:587...
 > Connection failed: Connection refused
 > Connecting to
 > Connection failed: Connection refused
 > Connecting to fe80::1%lo0:587...
 > Connection failed: Connection refused
 > post: problem initializing server; [BHST] no servers available
 > send: message not delivered to anyone
 > In true nmh fashion, this was also the subject of a discussion here:

right.  reporting the error precisely is hard.  but given that we're
changing the default client behavior, adding a hint to the message
might be appropriate:
 post: problem initializing server on port 587; [BHST] no servers available
 post: try -snoop, or check server and port configuration (see mh-tailor(1))

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 29.1 degrees)

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