In a message of Tue, 18 Aug 2015 18:21:55 +0100, Ralph Corderoy writes:
>Hi Ken,
>> But nowadays things have been tightened up and from RFC 2822
>2001-04.  ;-)
>> is that it should only contain a Message-ID
>It's allowed multiple.  It's my damn MUA that stands in the way!
>    $ repl last:42
>    repl: only one message at a time!
>Cheers, Ralph.

The odd thing is that I remember changing this, sometime in the early
2000s.  But apparently somewhere between then and now I must have
restored files and overwritten my changes.  Given that 2005 (I think)
was the year of 4 laptops, I suppose that isn't too surprising.
(PyPy.  We can jit your python code.  If you do nothing but jit python
code all day long -- i.e. you are using PyPy to develop PyPy -- you
will find that cpus are not designed to work this hard, and will
fail.)  The surprising bit is that nobody has complained until last

Thanks again,

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