I believe that this question (or perhaps these questions?) has been asked
and answered several times, though not to the extent I understood the answers,
quite applicable to my environment.

Background: My Internet provider is rawbw.com. I send and receive Email via
them. But almost all the Email I receive is sent to
ns2.adzone.com, from which it is sent to rawbw.com.

My outgoing Email almost always is received with a line like:

X-Authentication-Warning: shell1.rawbw.com: Host m206-54.dsl.tsoft.com 
[] claimed to be nad.dad.org

Usually, this does not cause a problem. But some recipients reject my Email. I
think because of that line. The attachment, 20, to this Email illustrates the

Another problem, or perhaps the same problem, is with Red Hat Support, which
at some point stopped accepting my Email, though they had been accepting it.
The attachment 19, illustrates this.

I will also attach .mh_profile, mhn.defaults, and mts.conf.

    Norman Shapiro
--- Begin Message ---

We recently received an email from this address regarding a support case.
However, this email address is not associated with a user in our system, so the
update has not been applied to the case.

Please resend your update from an email address associated with your account or
update the email address associated with your user in the system. If you do not
have an associated user or need instructions on how to update your email 
please contact your Organizational Administrator.

If you wish to contact Red Hat, visit the Customer Portal at 
https://access.redhat.com for
phone and web contact information appropriate to your region and support 

Thank you,

Red Hat Global Support Services

Supporting success. Exceeding expectations.

Red Hat Support on Social Media: https://access.redhat.com/social/
Red Hat Customer Portal Discussions: https://access.redhat.com/discussions/
Red Hat Access Labs: https://access.redhat.com/labs/

If you need immediate assistance, please refer to 

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
    Norman Shapiro

--- End Message ---
MH-Profile-Version: 1.0
Path: Mail
editor: neo
Aliasfile: aliases
repl:  -filter cite -nocc me -cc to -cc cc -anno
#: repl:  -nocc me -cc to -cc cc -anno
#: formatproc: /home/norm/lib/replyfilter
mhstore: -auto -clobber ask
nmh-storage: /t/Mime
sortm: -check -noall
Draft-folder: wind
send: -draftfolder +wind  -server smtp.tsoft.com
#: All sequences are private, i.e. recorded in context
Sequence-Negation: not
unseen-sequence: unseen
#postproc:  /usr/local/nmh/lib/post
mhl: -width 1000
moreproc: mhless
mhshow-show-text/html:  chromium-browser && chromium-browser %F && sleep 4
#mhshow-show-text/html:  firefox %F && sleep 4
refile: -retainsequences
   acte...@dad.org, americanhomeshi...@dad.org, cleanersup...@dad.org,
   staroff...@dad.org, thinkm...@dad.org, u...@dad.org, westernun...@dad.org,
   yout...@dad.org, ama...@dad.org, a...@dad.org, associated...@dad.org,
   beansh...@dad.org, brownad...@dad.org, c...@dad.org, d...@dad.org,
   et...@dad.org, exab...@dad.org, firecrac...@dad.org, fl...@dad.org,
   goo...@dad.org, h...@dad.org, installshi...@dad.org, i...@dad.org,
   kitc...@dad.org, kitchen...@dad.org, la...@dad.org, networkwo...@dad.org,
   n...@dad.dad.org, n...@dad.org, n...@gad.dad.org, n...@smtp.rawbw.com,
   o...@dad.org, og...@dad.org, p...@dad.org, rbl...@dad.org, red...@dad.org,
   rei...@dad.org, safe...@dad.org, s...@dad.org, s...@tsoft.com,
   sourcefo...@dad.org, spamassas...@dad.org, t...@dad.org, ubta...@dad.org,
   v...@dad.org, walgre...@dad.org, weat...@dad.org, wellsfa...@dad.org,
   your...@dad.org, empowe...@dad.org
mhbuild-convert-text/calendar: mhical -infile %F -contenttype
mhbuild-convert-text: charset=%{charset}; iconv -f ${charset:-us-ascii} -t 
utf-8 %F | sed 's/^\(.\)/> \1/; s/^$/>/;' | par 64
mhbuild-convert-text/html: charset=%{charset}; /usr/bin/w3m -dump ${charset:+-I 
"$charset"} -O utf-8 -T text/html %F  | sed 's/^\(.\)/> \1/; s/^$/>/;' | par 64
mhbuild-disposition-message/rfc822: inline
mhbuild-disposition-text/calendar: inline
mhfixmsg-format-text/calendar: mhical %F
mhfixmsg-format-text/html: charset=%{charset}; /usr/bin/w3m -dump ${charset:+-I 
"$charset"} -O utf-8 -T text/html %F
mhshow-show-application/msword: %l/usr/bin/soffice %F
mhshow-show-application/pdf: %l/usr/bin/okular %F
mhshow-show-application/PostScript: %l/usr/bin/okular %F
mhshow-show-image/gif: %l/usr/bin/giftopnm | /usr/bin/ppmtopgm | 
/usr/bin/pgmtopbm | /usr/bin/pnmtoxwd | /usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-image/jpeg: %l/usr/bin/djpeg -Pg | /usr/bin/ppmtopgm | 
/usr/bin/pgmtopbm | /usr/bin/pnmtoxwd | /usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-image/x-pgm: %l/usr/bin/pgmtopbm | /usr/bin/pnmtoxwd | 
/usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-image/x-pnm: %l/usr/bin/pnmtoxwd | /usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-image/x-ppm: %l/usr/bin/ppmtopgm | /usr/bin/pgmtopbm | 
/usr/bin/pnmtoxwd | /usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-image/x-xwd: %l/usr/bin/xwud -geometry =-0+0
mhshow-show-text/calendar: mhical -infile %F
mhshow-show-text/html: charset=%{charset}; %l/usr/bin/w3m -dump ${charset:+-I 
"$charset"} -T text/html %F
mhshow-suffix-application/msword: .doc
mhshow-suffix-application/ogg: .ogg
mhshow-suffix-application/onenote: .onepkg
mhshow-suffix-application/onenote: .onetmp
mhshow-suffix-application/onenote: .onetoc
mhshow-suffix-application/onenote: .onetoc2
mhshow-suffix-application/pdf: .pdf
mhshow-suffix-application/postscript: .ps
mhshow-suffix-application/rtf: .rtf
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12: .xlam
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12: .xlsb
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12: .xlsm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12: .xltm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xla
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xlc
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xld
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xll
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xlm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xls
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xlt
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-excel: .xlw
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12: .ppam
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: .pot
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: .pps
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: .ppt
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: .ppz
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12: .pptm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slide.macroEnabled.12: .sldm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12: .ppsm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12: .potm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12: .docm
mhshow-suffix-application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12: .dotm
mhshow-suffix-application/x-bzip2: .bz2
mhshow-suffix-application/x-cpio: .cpio
mhshow-suffix-application/x-dvi: .dvi
mhshow-suffix-application/x-gzip: .gz
mhshow-suffix-application/x-java-archive: .jar
mhshow-suffix-application/x-javascript: .js
mhshow-suffix-application/x-latex: .latex
mhshow-suffix-application/x-sh: .sh
mhshow-suffix-application/x-tar: .tar
mhshow-suffix-application/x-texinfo: .texinfo
mhshow-suffix-application/x-tex: .tex
mhshow-suffix-application/x-troff-man: .man
mhshow-suffix-application/x-troff-me: .me
mhshow-suffix-application/x-troff-ms: .ms
mhshow-suffix-application/x-troff: .t
mhshow-suffix-application/zip: .zip
mhshow-suffix-audio/basic: .au
mhshow-suffix-audio/midi: .midi
mhshow-suffix-audio/mpeg: .mp3
mhshow-suffix-audio/mpeg: .mpg
mhshow-suffix-audio/x-ms-wma: .wma
mhshow-suffix-audio/x-wav: .wav
mhshow-suffix-image/gif: .gif
mhshow-suffix-image/jpeg: .jpeg
mhshow-suffix-image/jpeg: .jpg
mhshow-suffix-image/png: .png
mhshow-suffix-image/tiff: .tif
mhshow-suffix-image/tiff: .tiff
mhshow-suffix-text/calendar: .ics
mhshow-suffix-text/css: .css
mhshow-suffix-text/html: .html
mhshow-suffix-text/rtf: .rtf
mhshow-suffix-text/sgml: .sgml
mhshow-suffix-text/xml: .xml
mhshow-suffix-video/mpeg: .mpeg
mhshow-suffix-video/mpeg: .mpg
mhshow-suffix-video/quicktime: .moov
mhshow-suffix-video/quicktime: .mov
mhshow-suffix-video/quicktime: .qt
mhshow-suffix-video/quicktime: .qtvr
mhshow-suffix-video/x-msvideo: .avi
mhshow-suffix-video/x-ms-wmv: .wmv
mhstore-store-application/PostScript: %m%P.ps
mhstore-store-text/calendar: %m%P.ics
mhstore-store-text/html: %m%P.html
mhstore-store-text: %m%P.txt
mhstore-store-text/richtext: %m%P.rt
mhstore-store-video/mpeg: %m%P.mpg
nmh-access-url: /usr/bin/curl -L
# nmh mail transport interface customization file.
# Check the mh-tailor(5) man page for descriptions of available options.

# The delivery method to use, which must be one of the following:
# smtp:          nmh opens a socket connection to the appropriate port
#                on the servers listed below and speaks SMTP to the
#                first one that responds.  This is the default.
# sendmail/smtp: nmh pipes messages directly to the sendmail program,
#                speaking SMTP.  Can be abbreviated to "sendmail".
# sendmail/pipe: nmh pipes messages directly to the sendmail program,
#                using the -t option so that addresses are retrieved
#                from the message.
mts: smtp

# Name that nmh considers `local'.  If not set, nmh will
# query the system for this value (gethostname, etc...).
#localname: foo.bar.com

# Default location of mail drops.  If this option is
# set, but empty, the user's home directory is used.
mmdfldir: /var/mail

# The name of the maildrop file in the directory where maildrops
# are kept.  If this is empty, the user's login name is used.

# The locking algorithm to use on the spool file.  Valid settings are:
#   fcntl       Locking using the fcntl() function
#   dot         "Dot" locking using an external lock file
#   flock       Locking using the flock() function (if supported by OS)
#   lockf       Locking using the lockf() function (if supported by OS)
# Locking algorithms supported on this installation are:
#       fcntl dot flock lockf
# The default spool locking configured on this system is fcntl;
# change the line below to get a different value
#spoollocking: fcntl

# Hardcoded POP server name (prevents inc'ing from local mail spool).
#pophost: localhost

# List of smtp servers to try if using smtp support
servers: localhost
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