On Fri, 27 Oct 2017 05:49:21 +0700 Robert Elz <k...@munnari.oz.au> wrote:
Robert Elz writes:
>     Date:        Thu, 26 Oct 2017 14:57:03 -0700
>     From:        Bakul Shah <ba...@bitblocks.com>
>     Message-ID:  <20171026215718.32022156e...@mail.bitblocks.com>
>   | Indeed.  Keeping such mapping is what I planned to do. folder
>   | -pack only changes the local msgID<->UID map so no need to
>   | talk to the server for that
> There is if you expect your concurrent accessing systems to work
> correctly - once packed, all clients should see the same set of packed
> message numbers, and they should refer to the same underlying messages.

I am not serving MH messages via imap so no need to let
any other imap client see the MH message name space.

My goals (which may not be what anyone else wants)
- N visual email clients such as mac/iphone/ipad/android MUAs.
- one MH client (MH messages are just a cache). One is fine
  by me as I can always ssh in to the MH machine.
- full MH client side cache so that I can run the usual mix of
  nmh + unix commands.
- Keep all clients as in sync as possible.

This does mean initially I will have to upload messages in my
MH folders that are not on the imap server but that is doable.

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