I'm not an nmh contributor, but I'm currently working on installing nmh-1.7
on one of my servers.

I've run into a few issues, most of which are trivial (and which I'll
describe below for the sake of completeness), but the one which may not
be trivial is this:

   # make check
   [...passed tests and benign failures elided...]
   *** /big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/31       2017-11-25 
21:06:40.117262850 -0500
   --- /big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/test-mhfixmsg2494.actual    
2017-11-25 21:06:40.125262997 -0500
   *** 1,15 ****
   - To: recipi...@example.com
   - From: sen...@example.com
   - Subject: mhfixmsg pass through on parse error
   - MIME-Version: 1.0
   - Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----- =_aaaaaaaaaa0"
   - ------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0
   - Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1
   - Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test1.txt"
   - Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
   - This is the=
   -  text/plain part.
   - ------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0--
   --- 0 ----
   ./test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg: test failed, outputs are in 
/big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7/test/testdir/Mail/inbox/31 and 
   first named test failure: pass through message with relative folder path 
with parse error
   FAIL: test/mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg

Is this something I can safely ignore?

The other issues I mentioned are:

  - It would be really nice if configure and Makefile.in didn't force a
    trailing /nmh on the pathnames I supply for libexecdir and sysconfdir.

    This is trivial because it was easy enough to edit both files myself
    to make the change I wanted, but it would be much nicer if there were
    a way to do that by supplying an option to configure.

  - I've been using mh for decades (literally!), so I no longer remember
    why I originally chose to configure using --with-hash-backup.

    Nevertheless I did so, and ever since I've been continuing to do so for
    sake of consistency.  This causes three other tests to fail, because
    they hardcode backup filenames using a comma:

    In this case I know these failures are benign, but in any case I proved
    that to myself by reconfiguring without --with-hash-backup and running
    make check again; in that situation, mhfixmsg/test-mhfixmsg is the only
    test that failed, but it did still fail.

I'm not subscribed to this list, so I'd appreciate replies to my personal
address of steven.winik...@concordia.ca


     - Steven
Steven Winikoff                | "The reasonable man adapts himself to the
Concordia University           |  world; the unreasonable one persists in
Montreal, QC, Canada           |  trying to adapt the world to himself.
steven.winik...@concordia.ca   |  Therefore all progress depends on the
                               |  unreasonable man."
                               |                      - George Bernard Shaw


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