Hi Stewart,

> This week I installed nmh 1.7.1.

Do you know what version you were on before?  Was it a 1.6?

>             Trying to connect to "localhost" ...
>             Connecting to ::1:2525...
>             Connection failed: Connection refused
>             Connecting to
>             Connection failed: Connection refused

That means there is no program listening on port 2525 to accept the mail
from nmh to start its journey.  Do you have a local mail server, like
Sendmail, Postfix, Qmail, or Exim, that you expect to be used?  2525 is
an odd port;  it's normally 25 or 587.  2525 suggests you're trying to
work around some network-traffic filtering of port 25, or your server
doesn't have the privilege to listen on port 25.

See if you've any parameters being given to send(1) by your
~/.mh_profile with `mhparam send'.  And examine your system's
/etc/nmh/mts.conf; that's the default mts.conf file unless you override
it with send's -mts option.

> but suggested for anything else I go to nmh-workers.

Yes, good idea.  Keep replying to the list, and we'll keep CCing you in
our replies.

Cheers, Ralph.


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