Philipp <> wrote:
    >> %-16(putstrf{List-Id})
    >> to my scan arguments, and it's close, but not yet what I want.
    >> Ideally, I just want what's in <> of the List-Id:, and I'd be happy with 
    >> first 16 characters only.  But I can't see a way to get that.  So I'd 
    >> for the last 16 bytes of the entire header, but I can't get that either.

    > You could just use:

    > %(addr{list-id})

    > I know list-id isn't realy an address, but it works.

Cool. I was figuring that there must be something that deals with addresses
like this.  It works exactly as I want.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
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