On Sun, 20 Oct 2019 12:11:03 +1000, Alexander Zangerl said:

> personally i think spending any further effort on verifying addresses for
> deliverability on the sending side is wasted because of how little
> verification/guarantee it provides (see bugs section in man whom).

The only thing I've ever used 'whom' for is to verify that it picked the
right Mike out of .mh_alias, or to see what the aliases expanded to. I've
never expected any further validation than "this is a syntactically correct
address", and wasn't even really aware that it *would* do further attempts
at verification.  But then, it's been 2 decades since I've actually used 'whom'
on a system where validating the actual addresses was feasible.

Does 'whom -check' have any real relevance in today's world?

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