>The part *is* an attachment, but when it's a text/calendar attachment it
>would appear that mhshow defaults to displaying it.

The answer's in the mhshow(1) man page:

       By  default,  mhshow will display only the text parts of a message that
       are not marked as attachments.  This behavior can  be  changed  by  the
       -notextonly  and  -noinlineonly

Although technically I believe we shouldn't display those calendar
attachments even when they're text/calendar according to that man page,
but ... different problem.

The thinking for those defaults was that show/mhshow are for displaying
"text" content designed to be displayed on a terminal.  Stuff under
"application" is generally supposed to be input to another application.
Hence the reason that text/calendar is under the "text" media type.
You can look at mhshow(1) for more details on how to change that.


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