One of the things I use it for is "unseeing" a message.  Let's say I see
someone has emailed me, I'm about to go out, want to take a peek at the
message but don't want to mark it as seen — or alternatively I look at a
message, think "gosh that's gonna take a lot of work to deal with" so
want to mark it as unseen again, so I come back to it.  My
unseen-sequence is "un", and my previous-sequence is "ditto", so I have
this alias to "unsee" whatever I just looked at:

  mark -sequence un -add ditto

.. then I have another alias to do the first job — looking at something
without "seeing" it:

  show !*; mark -sequence un -add ditto

I bet there are magic command line switches to do this now (seems to
happen half the time I post these days!), but I've had these for a long
time and use them regularly.


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