Ken Hornstein <> wrote:
    >> I came across JMAP ( this weekend, and have been looking at it in
    >> my spare time. It looks like it intends to solve most of the problems 
    >> I personally had with mixing mh-style and mobile-app email usage, and 
    >> even be a (speculation warning) useful bridge to the future for nmh.

    > I have looked at it.  It honestly seems to me like a solution in search
    > of a problem, but fine (or maybe it's designed for people who cannot
    > imagine any network protocol that is not REST).  But I cannot see how it
    > really solves any of the fundamental problems of mixing "mh-style" and
    > mobile-app email usage; as far as I can tell, those core issues still
    > exist.  But I am open to being persuaded otherwise!  So, if you want
    > to expand on your opinion, please do!

It is being driven by a variety of web properties and frameworks.
Not necessarily big ones.  Think WordPress and phpBB and tikiWiki, not GCE.

I know a few people involved, but i haven't been involved myself, but I think
that you'll see it used to access to things like webboards, and the like in a
cross-platform, NNTP-like way.

I don't know if it will be easier to interface mh folders to or not.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        |    IoT architect   [
]        |   ruby on rails    [

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