Ken Hornstein <> wrote:
    >> I rather wish that NMH would take a "Path" to be...
    >> well..  $PATH-like thing, such that I could move folders to an archive
    >> machine, with NMH being aware that they are elsewhere.

    > You're allowed to give an absolute path as a folder name.  E.g., you could
    > do something like:

    > % scan +/ssw/users/mcr/Mail/outgoing/y2001 last:50

Yes, I do that, for sure.

    > Or whatever, and that will be the current folder.  You can also push
    > them on the folder stack.  If you want them to show up when you do
    > "folders", that's harder.

I don't know what the folder stack is.
I want them to show up when I do "folders --historical" or something like
that.  I also imagine being able to send the compute commands involved to the
machine with the disks, and...
  I had just assumed we'd all have our own storage robots by now.

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