Hi --

My wife got a message this morning that it seems like mhfixmsg should
have fixed, but it didn't.

    $ mhshow 1
    mhshow: "message/rfc822" type in message 1 should be encoded in 7bit or 
8bit, continuing...
    $ mhlist 1
    mhlist: "message/rfc822" type in message 1 should be encoded in 7bit or 
8bit, continuing...
    $ mhfixmsg -fixcte 1
    mhfixmsg: "message/rfc822" type in message 1 should be encoded in 7bit or 
8bit, continuing...
    mhfixmsg: unable to parse message 1

The message contains a message/rfc822 part that looks like this:

    Content-Type: message/rfc822;
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

If I edit the message, and change that C-T-E to 8bit, mhlist looks
like this, and mhshow works properly:

    $ mhlist 1
     msg part  type/subtype              size description
       1       multipart/mixed            62K
         1     text/plain                 296
         2     message/rfc822             61K

I thought (from reading the man page, and skimming the code) that this
change to C-T-E (i.e., binary --> 8bit) is exactly what -fixcte was supposed
to do.  Is there something more subtle going on that I'm missing?

 paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 27.3 degrees)

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