>  | in bash, although the line gets pasted, the newline at the end of it
>  | somehow doesn't.  When 
>This is a recent bash (IMO mis-)feature -

I absolutely agree with your opinion on this topic.

>I believe there's an option (run time) to return to sanity, as I think I
>set it ...  but just now I cannot find it!

A quick web search for "bash xterm paste newline" turns up


The summary is to add the following entry to ~/.inputrc

   set enable-bracketed-paste off

I just tried this, and it works.  Thank you for pointing that out!

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff      | "Science is built upon facts, as a house is
Montreal, QC, Canada |  built of stones; but an accumulation of
s...@smwonline.ca     |  facts is no more a science than a heap of
http://smwonline.ca  |  stones is a house."
                     |                           - Henri Poincaré

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