Hi Greg

First of all, it looks like you using _m_mh not _n_mh. 

[2022-05-17 11:43] Greg Davidson <greg.david...@gmail.com>
> I'm trying to extract part of a multipart message sent to me
> by Firefox Mobile in order to save my mobile tabs.  I would
> like to extract the text/html part as that is the part which has
> the tab titles as well as the urls.  Note: I've indented quoted
> I/O with 4 spaces and used ellipses ... to replace some bits.
> When I list my message with
>     mhlist -file mobile-tabs.eml -part 1
> I get
>     mhlist: bogus multipart content in message .../mobile-tabs.eml
>      msg part  type/subtype              size description
>        0       multipart/alternative      11K
>          1     text/html                 6861
> but when I try to extract it with
>     show -file mobile-tabs.eml -part 1

Do you want to store the content on disk or display it? For storing there
is mhstore(1). You can simple use:

    mhstore -file mobile-tabs.eml -part 1

show (mhshow on nmh) is to display the mail.

> I get
>     show: bogus multipart content in message .../mobile-tabs.eml
>     Date:    ...
>     From:    ...
>     To:      ...
>     Subject: Mobile tabs
>     show: don't know how to display any of the contents
>           (content multipart/alternative in message .../mobile-ta    bs.eml)
> Following the mmh documentation I added
>     mhshow-suffix-text/html: .html
> to my
>     ~/.mmh/profile
> as suggested by the documentation but it didn't help.  I also tried to
> direct it to use cat for such content type, also with no change.

To display text/html parts you need to add a mhshow-show-<type>/<subtype>
entry to your profile. For example to display html rendered with elinks
add somethig like:

    mhshow-show-text/html: elinks -dump

That the fallback to just print the text for text/* mimetypes fail when
selecting the part directly is a known bug in mmh.


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