Hi David,

> > I've Draft-Folder set to drafts in .mh_profile.  Using at(1) to
> > ‘send 42’ fails because `mhpath +`/42 doesn't exist.
> Would it succeed with 'send -draftfolder drafts 42'?

Yes, I've just tried ‘send -draftfolder drafts 42’ and it worked.

> Or if your profile included '-draftfolder drafts' for a 'send'
> component?

I was about to add that originally when I wondered about Draft-Folder
and noted the man page said it was used.

> > The man page seems inconsistent.  The default is -nodraftfolder so
> > why is Draft-Folder listed under Profile Components as it isn't
> > used?
> Yeah, this looks like an unfortuate result of tacking on the draft
> folder facility,  It would have been easier to have had that from the
> beginning.  And only used that, because the old-style simple draft
> file isn't very useful with it.

So as it stands, the bug is with the man page and Draft-Folder should be

> > I'd expect a .mh_profile Draft-Folder to be used by default.
> I agree.  But I'm not sure if we want to change it at this point, to
> not break existing users' workflows.

This is a perennial problem.  I normally bring up Python's ‘from future
import ...’ method of requesting new behaviour.

   ‘How about the opposite of Python's `from future import ...'?  Have a
    ~/.mh_profile entry like `old-fogey' or `stuck-in-1989' as a global
    decision maker when code changes to support both old and new ways.’

   ‘Like Python's `from future import sanity'.

   ‘A problem with ~/.mh_profile calling for sanity is that it might be
    wanted generally but the user can't be sure no scripts they use want

All ideas welcome, however daft.

> For new users, install-mh could add a "Draft-Folder" component and add
> a corresponding -draftfolder to a "send" component.

That's an improvement on now.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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