ralph wrote:
 >     -------------------
 >     -------------------
 >     - The generation and verification of Content-MD5 headers is no
 >       longer performed.  The -check and -nocheck switches to various nmh
 >       programs that would control this functionality still exist, but
 >       are non-functional and will be removed in the next release.
 > That it not deprecation.  The user who thinks the MD5 is being checked
 > is being fooled by them silently becoming a no-op.  They should be
 > removed so the user instead suffers an error and learns of the change.
 > I'll try to get this done.

Removing the options entirely doesn't seem like deprecation either.

Seems like they should maybe emit warnings for a release, but given
the limited usefulness of the feature, I'm not sure why we'd bother. 
In fact, here we talked about adding warnings, but Ken pointed out
that we didn't need to, since you read the mailing list.  ;-)

paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 21.2 degrees)

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