On Sun, 01 Jan 2023 12:05:58 -0500, Ken Hornstein wrote:
> Everyone,
> So now that we've started the release cycle process (thanks, David!) I
> am wondering what the plans are for getting 1.8 packages into various
> distributions.  I did the Homebrew formula for MacOS X and I'm glad
> to do it for 1.8.  But I am wondering what other operating systems we
> should target.  Ones that come to mind are:
> - Various RPM-based distributions (Fedora, RedHat, CentOS, Rocky, and I am
>   sure others)
> - Debian (and anything else that uses .deb files)
> - FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD 'ports' systems

As usual, I'll handle OpenBSD.

> I am sure there are others.  I guess I am wondering what needs to be done
> to "turn the crank" so 1.8 makes it into the packaging distributions.
> I know for Homebrew once the pull request is accepted all Homebrew users
> should get the new version relatively quickly, and I think the ports systems
> are similar but I don't know what needs to happen for the others.
> --Ken

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