Ralph wrote:

> The behaviour cannot solidify further.  :-)  It's clear, determinate,
> predictable, and simple to document.

Those qualities can be true for the 1.7 behaviour.

> I thought RCn+1 was meant to be minimal differences from RCn?

If there's an RC3, the only code difference would be for this issue.

> That's why Andy Bradford's POP3 patch is post 1.8.

There's a key difference between the $HOME change and Andy's POP3
patch:  the behaviour has already, prior to 1.8 final release,
changed from 1.7 for the former but not the latter.

> Switching the behaviour of
> a set-but-empty HOME now seems significant given some value for HOME
> must be chosen.

1.8 hasn't been released yet.  I think that we owe users consistent
behaviour from 1.7 to 1.8 unless clearly documented.

> And will mean another round of testing by others on top of your time.

I appreciate your consideration of that but I think that we need to
resolve the consistency issue.  In any case, a new test and man page
update are called for.

And my feeling at this point is to put out an RC3 with the 1.7 behavior
for $HOME.


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