I have built RC2 on my Gentoo Linux system. It mostly works. The tests all

However. I have noticed that in 1.7.1 etc/mhn.defaults.sh searches for
external programs par and fmt and iconv. If it finds them it outputs
entries for, eg. mhbuild-convert-text:
which use said programs in the pipeline.

In 1.8-RC2 the programs are searched for and shell variables textfmt and
charsetconv  are assigned assigned accordingly, but the shell variables are
not used so the programs are not used in the processing pipelines.

Is this a deliberate decision or a regression?  If it is a deliberate decision
it should probably be documented in the NEWS and/or Changelog.

Also, while rummaging about I noted that nmh-1.8-RC2/SPECS/nmh.cygport contains

Don't know if it is relevant, but it seems anomalous.


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