Many thanks for the new release -- it's great to see such dedication.

In my environment, I set $MHCONTEXT dynamically at login, so that I can
have different contexts for different sessions (ie., GUI desktop, ssh,
tty login) on the same machine, via:

        export MHCONTEXT=~/Mail/.mhcontext-`tty|sed -e "s,.dev.,," -e "s,/,.,"`

I see that nmh commands are reading the $MHCONTEXT file, parsing the line
"Version: nmh-1.7.1" and printing the Welcome message, but not updating
the file unless there is a context change:

        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ echo $MHCONTEXT
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ cat $MHCONTEXT
        Current-Folder: Work
        Version: nmh-1.7.1
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ inc
        Welcome to nmh version 1.8
        See the release notes in /usr/share/doc/nmh/NEWS
        Send bug reports, questions, suggestions, and patches to  That mailing list is relatively quiet, so user
        questions are encouraged.  Users are also encouraged to subscribe, and
        view the archives, at
        This message will not be repeated until nmh is next updated.
        Press enter to continue:
        inc: no mail to incorporate
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ cat $MHCONTEXT
        Current-Folder: Work
        Version: nmh-1.7.1
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ inc
        Welcome to nmh version 1.8
        Press enter to continue:
        inc: no mail to incorporate
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ folder +Work
        Welcome to nmh version 1.8
        Press enter to continue:
        Work+ has no messages       ;        (others).
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ 
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ inc
        inc: no mail to incorporate
        [bergman@rocoto ~]$ cat $MHCONTEXT
        Current-Folder: Work
        Version: nmh-1.8
Mark Bergman    Biker, Rock Climber, SCUBA Diver, Unix mechanic, IATSE #1 
'94 Yamaha GTS1000A^1                                         2015 Aprilia 

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