>I am ... concerned about depending on pandoc, because of this:
>  Pandoc is available in lxplus, aiadm and most RPM repositories. It's
>  written in Haskell, which means it relies on hundreds of megabytes of
>  library dependencies.

That's certainly fair, but wouldn't it need to be used only once, after
which the documentation could be maintained in markdown format?  I suppose
that would require a tool to go from markdown to man, but at least it's a

>I have no objection to Markdown but I'm not sure what it would gain us
>exactly, other than maybe someone younger than 35 could edit the

That may be the point -- or not, I suppose, depending on one's point of
view.  (I'm far past the point of being under 35 myself, for what that's

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff      |
Montreal, QC, Canada | "The cure for boredom is curiousity.
s...@smwonline.ca     |  There is no cure for curiousity."
http://smwonline.ca  |
                     |      - Dorothy Parker

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