Dear NMusers, 

I would need to force the program to write on an output file the
values of each parameters for each patient and at each iteration of the
NONMEM algorithm. 

Something like the following if I have 5 patients:

ITER    ID     Cl       V      ...
1           1     1.3     1.2     ...
1           2     ...
1           3     ...
1           4     ...
1           5     ...
2           1     ...
2           2     ...
2           3     ...
...         ...     ...

Or simply, 

 ID     Cl       V      ...
 1     1.3     1.2     ...
 2     ...   
 3     ...
 4     ...
 5     ...
 1     ...
 2     ...
 3     ...
 ...     ...  

For FO (no individual parameters during the execution), I can use the INTER
file, even if:
- the format is not very well appropriated for what I want to do
- the file is crached when excution ends
Does anyone knwow if it is possible to do this in a simple way?
Thanks for your help in this matter.


Benjamin Ribba, PhD
Therapeutic Targeting in Oncology (EA3738)
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Faculty of Medicine Lyon-Sud
165, chemin du grand revoyet
69921 Oullins cedex

Tel: +33 4 26 23 59 57 / +33 6 66 06 15 21

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