  I'm not sure what you want to do.  DruDevo (, don't know if they are still around) has a web site that seems to imply they do some of this:

  • Ø      Automated structural model search
    Automated statistical model search
    • Automated multi level covariate search
    Ø      Automated multi level backwards deletion.
  • Automated multi level covariate search

But, I really don't know anything about it. 
I think that Ken Kawalski's Wald test covariate search approach does some automated control file writing as well, limited (I think) to covariate relationships.

Of course, I have to mention my own, which isn't generally available ( but does automate writing control files and searching for the optimal solution.

Mark Sale MD
Next Level Solutions, LLC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [NMusers] automating the writing of models
From: "Bachman, William (MYD)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, March 31, 2008 11:04 am
To: "Dr. Carlos Hoyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,


The closest thing, that I am aware of, to automated models is the
Control File Wizards found in PDx-Pop. PDx-Pop provides a graphical
user interface to NONMEM that includes creating and running control
files (singly or in batch mode), automated diagnostic plots for the
runs, and automated model evaluation methods.

The Control File Wizards create control files graphically by selecting
options you want to include in your model, number of compartments,
method of drug administration, parameterization (CL/V vs micro-,
macro-constant), etc. You enter parameter values in tables on the
screen and can specify estimation methods and table options. I will
send you screen shots off-line to give you a better idea. (nmusers has
a limit on the size of an email you can send).

There are two wizards: one for the standard models (advans 1-4, 10-12)
and another for user-written models (advans 5-9).

for more information see:

William J. Bachman, Ph.D.
Director, Pharmacometrics R&D
Icon Development Solutions
6031 University Blvd., Suite 300
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Office 410-696-3002
Cell 301-467-8635

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dr. Carlos Hoyo
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:10 PM
Subject: [NMusers] archive of this list

Dear all,

How can one access an archive of all the emails of this list?

I am looking for tools for automating the writing of models? Is it
included in wings? (where).


Carlos Hoyo

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