

Your simulations highlight a limitation with the combined (additive +
proportional or slope-intercept) residual error model.  The combined
residual error model cannot be the correct model at very low concentrations
since the normal distribution will put non-zero probability mass at
concentrations less than zero if the mean is low relative to its SD.   The
purist in me says don't truncate as that will lead to bias in your
simulations although it may be minimal if few observations are simulated
with negative concentrations.  A better approach would be to consider an
alternative residual error model that bounds the concentrations to be
positive such as the log-normal residual error model (log-transform both
sides approach) or fit a model that takes into account the censored BQL data
( see Beal, Ways to Fit a PK Model with Some Data Below the Quantification
Limit.  JPP 2001;28:481-504).




Kenneth G. Kowalski

President & CEO

A2PG - Ann Arbor Pharmacometrics Group

110 E. Miller Ave., Garden Suite

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Work:  734-274-8255

Cell:  248-207-5082





Behalf Of andreas lindauer
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 6:23 AM
Subject: [NMusers] Visual predictive check!


Dear NMusers,


I have a question regarding simulations for a VPC. When a combined residual
error is used it happens that for low concentrations negative values are
simulated. While this is statistically correct, I wonder if it is correct to
use these results for the VPC because the distribution of the observed low
concentrations is truncated by the LLOQ. So the VPC might suggest model
misspecification for lower concentrations. Further, when one wants to use
the model for clinical trial simulation should then the negative (BQL)
values be omitted because they would never appear in reality? 

I would like to know how the more experienced NMusers handle this. 

Thanks in advance, Andreas.





Andreas Lindauer


University of Bonn 

Department of Clinical Pharmacy

An der Immenburg 4

D-53121 Bonn


phone:+49 228 73 5781 

fax:     +49 228 73 9757     


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