Dear Martin and Elodie and others,
  Thanks for pointing out this nice function of PsN--  I think I will give it a 
try this time. 

From: Martin Bergstrand <>
To: Sebastian Ueckert <>; Ethan Wu 
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2009 5:52:09 AM
Subject: RE: [NMusers] simulation question

Dear all,
PsN is useful tool for this purpose but I think that the  functionality that 
should be used is called “Stochastic Simulation and Estimation (SSE)”. The 
Bootstrap functionality is primarily used for obtaining parameter 
uncertainties.   A detailed userguide for the SSE functionality is presented at 
the PsN webpage (see link below).
Write to the PsN mailing list if you experience any troubles and need help 
Best regards,
Martin [] On 
Behalf Of Sebastian Ueckert
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 10:51
To: Ethan Wu
Subject: Re: [NMusers] simulation question
Dear Ethan,
the simplest solution to solve your problem would be to use the bootstrap 
command of PSN ( With PSN installed you would 
simply do:

bootstrap final_model.mod -samples=200

PSN would take care of unsuccessful runs and provide a nice summary of the 
individual estimates.

Best regards
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Ethan Wu <> wrote:
Dear users,  
  I am trying to compare several specific PK/PD study designs by: 
 -- run 200 simulations with the final model (develope from original dataset)
 -- fit the final model to the 200 simulated dataset
To achieve above, I used $SIM SUBPROB=200 option
 however, nonmem would  completely stop after running into estimation problem 
at one specific simulation/estimation cycles, for some designs it stop even 
before 10th iterations.
Is there anyway nonmem could continue go on? 
Or, does someone know alternative way to achieve the goal?


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