Dear markus
Here is what I think you should do. You have to find the batch file that sets 
your fortran environmental files and copy it in the directory fronm which you 
want to run nonmem. Then you first go to that directory using dos and run that 
batch file. You will see amessage that tellls that the environmental variables 
have been set. Then from that directory, try to run nonmem. I have intel 10.1 
and ran into the same problem. My batch file was something like df...var.. (I 
forgot the exact name but iconus knows about it).
Best regards
Serge guzy
President,ceo poppharm
Sorry for the typos but I am writing from my blackberry


Sent: Mon Mar 22 16:45:22 2010
Subject: [NMusers] IntelVisualFortran Compiler 11.1, 64bit-systems, NONMEM7 

dear NONMEM-users,

It is one month that I try installing NONMEM on a 64-bit WIN7 system. First I 
understood that IntelVisualFortran Compiler 11.1 was necessary because good-old 
CompaqVisualFotran is not
compatible with 64-bit systems. By installing IntelVisualFortran 11.1, it 
became clear that Microsoft
software-development-kits (SDK) have also to be installed. After (seemingly) 
successful installation
of SDK and IntelVisualFotran 11.1, the software indicates installation-command 
to be "ifort".

However, when trying to install NONMEM7 via MS-DOS and typing:

SETUP7 D: C:\nm7 ifort y link reg norec i unzip.exe

...compiler check fails, and "ifort" is not recognized, respectively.

Since I am not getting further help from ICON, I wonder if other users have 
encountered similar problems. Generally, installation with new 
IntelVisualFortran Compiler seems rather complex, especially for setting the 
environmental properties.

thanks for any idea about how to proceed

best regards


Markus Joerger MD PhD
Department of Medical Oncology
Rorschacherstr. 95
9007 St. Gallen
phone: +41-765591070
fax: +41-714946368

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