
We have extended the deadline for the CPTR Outstanding M&S Manuscript 
until July 9th.  Please see below for details.  We encourage you to send 
in your nominations!

Thank you!
The AAPS CPTR Section Leadership


At the 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical 
Scientists (AAPS), the Clinical Pharmacology and Translational Research 
(CPTR) Section will recognize an Outstanding Manuscript in Modeling and 
Simulation.  We are currently soliciting nominations for this award. 

The AAPS Outstanding Manuscript in Modeling and Simulation Award is 
intended to recognize outstanding achievement in modeling and simulation 
in clinical pharmacology and translational research as demonstrated by the 
author in quality and originality.   The scientific impact of the 
published work should be the principle used in nominating the paper and 
can be based on new concepts, new modeling procedures, or in the 
application of modeling and simulation in drug development.   

The lead author of the selected manuscript will receive a $1,000 
honorarium, a framed certificate which will be presented at the AAPS 
Annual Meeting and Exposition, and travel expenses up to $1,000 to be paid 
as reimbursement following the meeting. If the lead author is a non-AAPS 
member, a one year complimentary AAPS membership will also be presented. 
If the lead author cannot attend the meeting, travel expenses will be paid 
to a designee who will accept the award on behalf of the lead author.   

Last year's winner was:  Shah DK, Shin BS, Veith J, Toth K, Bernacki RJ, 
Balthasar JP.  Use of an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody 
in a pharmacokinetic strategy to increase the efficacy of intraperitoneal 
chemotherapy.  J Pharmacol Exp Ther 329(2):580-91, 2009. 

General criteria for nominated manuscripts 
must relate to modeling or simulation in drug development and can be 
applied or theoretical.  It should reflect applications in clinical 
pharmacology or translational research.  Examples may include population 
pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analyses related to some drug or 
theoretical methods related to pharmacometric analyses (e.g., covariate 
must have been published within 2 years prior to the meeting at which the 
presentation is made.   
must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal, and be written in 
the lead author does not have to be a member of AAPS. 

Nomination packages : 
must be submitted by a member of AAPS 
must  include the complete citation for the paper as well as a clearly 
written statement of the impact, the significance, and the originality of 
the paper that justifies its nomination.   
should be submitted as a single pdf file via email, although a single 
Microsoft Word file will be accepted if pdf capability is not available. 
The award name must be shown in the subject line of the email.   FAXED OR 

Please send nominations to by June 30, 2010. 

We would like to thank Projections Research for their continuing funding 
of this award.  Without their support we would not be able to offer this 
award.  Please visit their website at 

Thank you 
>From the AAPS CPTR Section Leadership

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