Dear Leonid 


Thank you for this informative response. It'll definitely help me in finding my 






Von: Leonid Gibiansky [] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. September 2010 17:08
An: Steingötter Andreas
Cc: nmusers; Rickmer Braren
Betreff: Re: [NMusers] Negative eigenvalues, over-paramterization, finding most 
sensitive parameter


I doubt that one can give a general answer (without looking on the specific 
model) but here is my understanding of the situation:
In over-parametrized models, there is one or more degenerate directions (in the 
parameter space) where changes of the parameters do not change the fit (i.e., 
where there is no data to estimate each parameter, only some combination). The 
model can be well-defined in the orthogonal directions. The simplest example is 
oral absorption: without IV data, F( bioavaialbility), CL and V are not 
definable. However, CL/F and V/F can be estimated. This leads to two different 
situations: if your critical parameter is in the "well-defined" space, then you 
may use it as a biomarker. If, on the other hand, this parameter is in the 
degenerate space, it cannot be used since its value is not stable. The burden 
of proof is of course on the presenter. One can support it by 
 - small RSEs on the  parameter of interest, if you can get them;
 - no correlation with other parameters (either in bootstrap samples, or in the 
history of SAEM iterations, or by investigation the variance-covariance matrix 
of the parameter estimates);
 - starting the model run with perturbed values of this parameter to show that 
the final estimate does not depend on the initial values;
 - etc.

Alternative is to try to make the entire model stable by fixing some parameters 
at the biologically plausible values: if the model with fixed parameters is 
still flexible enough to describe the entire range of available data, one can 
use this model until some experimental results provide the data (and the need) 
to free and estimate those fixed parameters.


Leonid Gibiansky, Ph.D.
President, QuantPharm LLC
e-mail: LGibiansky at 
tel:    (301) 767 5566

On 9/7/2010 2:42 AM, Steingötter  Andreas wrote: 

Hello Nick, Leonid, Dieter 


As a beginner in NONMEM society, I am becoming very curious in your current 
discussion. In a related situation I may need some helpful comments and already 
excuse myself if this question has been answered many times before.

THE SITUATION: We have tissue (let's say tumor tissue) that has some anatomical 
structure known by histology. So we know roughly how many blood vessels (to get 
an idea on blood flow/perfusion), how many vital tissue (to get an idea where 
the blood can distribute or perfuse into) and how many dead tissue (where only 
blood diffusion can take place) is present. We inject a substance (i.v. bolus) 
and macroscopically follow its kinetics through this tissue, i.e. have a 
concentration curve of this tissue. At the same time we can also measure the 
kinetics of other (neighboring) healthy tissues to generate additional 
concentration curves. All these curves exhibit bi- or multi-exponential 

First PROBLEM: We only observe on the macroscopic scale and therefore we have a 
mixture of tissue kinetics for each concentration curve. However, we are able 
to create a model that perfectly describes the concentration curves of all 
tissues as Dieter has done. This model is very likely to be over-parameterized.

In a SECOND STEP we treat this tumor tissue and see some changes in tumor 
structure. But don't have clue how these changes in structure relate to changes 
in function, e.g. what rate constant, volume flow or distribution volume is 
most sensitive to such a change in blood vessels. For later purpose and to omit 
the need for histology the aim is to identify this sensitive parameter and use 
it as some kind of biomarker.

NOW THE QUESTION: How to best proceed to (numerically) find this most sensitive 
parameter in the model? Do we start from the model that best describes the 
concentration curves and go backwards again. Do we pick a first potential 
parameter and reduce the model until this parameter is robust (shows no 
correlation) and do the same again for other possible candidates? Do we then 
end up with one model for each parameter of interest (which does not make sense 
to me)? 

To my understanding, for a given (rich) data set there can only be a compromise 
between model fit and robustness of parameter estimation and finally someone 
has to decide what that is. This compromise then needs to be tested and 
validated again and again by generating or including new data. 

BEGINNER's QUESTION: If we show that we have done the testing and tweaking with 
regard to what we (pretend to) know from physiology/biology/histology and are 
aware of (and describe) the uncertainty in parameter estimates for the 
selected, probably over parameterized model, would expert reviewers of your 
caliber still ask for more model simplification?


Sorry for being so elaborate and many thanks for comments and critics of every 




Andreas Steingötter, PhD

Division for Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Department of Internal Medicine         

University Hospital Zurich                                                      




Von: [] Im 
Auftrag von Nick Holford
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. September 2010 04:19
An: nmusers
Betreff: Re: [NMusers] How serious are negative eigenvalues?



You ask:

My question: can we trust this fit? 

The answer depends on why you are doing the modelling. 

If your goal is to describe the time course of concentrations then the overall 
ability of the model to describe what you saw depends on the totality of the 
model and its parameters. The model may be overparameterized but it may still 
do what you want it to do i.e. describe (and predict) the time course of 
concentrations in each compartment. If you are satisfied with the VPC showing 
that simulations from the model appropriately describe the observed 
concentrations then I think the answer to your question is yes.

On the other hand if the goal is to estimate the size of one or more critical 
parameters then you will need to pay attention to how well these parameters are 
estimated. As Leonid has pointed out it seems that at least some of the model 
parameters are not well identified. This may be unimportant if the parameters 
you want to describe are robustly estimated. 

For example, if you had a simple PK model with samples mainly taken at steady 
state with few observations during absorption then you may get a good estimate 
of clearance but a rather poor estimate of  KA.  You cannot simply remove a 
parameter such as KA (you have to describe the sparse absorption somehow) but 
it will have little impact on the clearance estimate. Thus the model can be 
trusted for the purpose of estimating clearance but not absorption rate.


On 7/09/2010 12:11 a.m., Dieter Menne wrote: 

Dear Nmusers,
we have very rich data from MRI concentration measurements, with 11
compartments and multiple compartments observed. The model is fit via SAEM
(nburn=2000), and followed by an IMPMAP as in the described in the 7.1.2
manual. OMEGA is band with pair-wise block correlations in the following
.02 ;CL
0.01 0.06 ; VC
5.4  ; QMVP
0.001 0.05 ;VMVP
0.06  ; QTVP
0.001 0.25 ;VTPV
Fits and CWRES diagnostics are perfect, and VPC checks are good.
However, we have negative eigenvalues (the following example has been edited
by removing digits)
ETAPval = 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.04 0.8 0.95 0.003 0.1 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.2
0.8  0.3 0.3 0.4 0.01 0.8
ETAshr% = 13. 0.4 38 20 23 33 46 30 18 41 54 22 2. 26. 49. 12. 0.07 24. 18.
35. 2.5
EPSshr% = 7.5 8.1
Number of Negative Eigenvalues in Matrix=   7
Most negative value= -65339.
Most positive value= 88796185.9
Forcing positive definiteness
Root mean square deviation of matrix from original= 1.37E-003
My question: can we trust this fit? 
Dieter Menne
Menne Biomed/University Hospital of Zürich

Nick Holford, Professor Clinical Pharmacology
Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology
University of Auckland,85 Park Rd,Private Bag 92019,Auckland,New Zealand
tel:+64(9)923-6730 fax:+64(9)373-7090 mobile:+64(21)46 23 53

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