Dear NMUsers,

University of London School of Pharmacy recently merged with University College 
London.  Expressions of interest are being sought for senior (Reader/Professor) 
researchers to apply for new posts that are being created.  I am posting this 
on NMUsers in the hope that someone currently working in industry or academia 
might consider applying.  It represents a great opportunity, we do already have 
a small pharmacometrics group drawn from staff across UCL departments, and 
senior academics that I have spoken to are receptive to the need for more PKPD 
expertise.  The links with several large teaching hospitals and specialist 
centres also provides huge potential for initiating and collaborating in 
clinical and theoretical research.  Anyone interested is welcome to get in 
touch and also should look at the following link - click on "Work Here":

Note the deadline is end of January.

Here are some other links to modelling going on at UCL:



Joseph F Standing
MRC Fellow, UCL Institute of Child Health
Antimicrobial Pharmacist, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Honorary Lecturer, UCL School of Pharmacy
Tel: +44(0)207 905 2370
Mobile: +44(0)7970 572435


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