I sent two posts to nmusers this morning (NZ time). The first never showed up but the second one did. I tried sending the first post two more times and they did not appear on nmusers.
This is a test post to see if all my posts are being blocked.

Nick Holford, Professor Clinical Pharmacology
Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology, Bldg 503 Room 302A
University of Auckland,85 Park Rd,Private Bag 92019,Auckland,New Zealand
office:+64(9)923-6730 mobile:NZ +64(21)46 23 53
email: n.holf...@auckland.ac.nz

Holford SD, Allegaert K, Anderson BJ, Kukanich B, Sousa AB, Steinman A, Pypendop, 
B., Mehvar, R., Giorgi, M., Holford,N.H.G. Parent-metabolite pharmacokinetic models 
- tests of assumptions and predictions. Journal of Pharmacology & Clinical 
Toxicology. 2014;2(2):1023-34.

Ribba B, Holford N, Magni P, Trocóniz I, Gueorguieva I, Girard P, Sarr,C., 
Elishmereni,M., Kloft,C., Friberg,L. A review of mixed-effects models of tumor 
growth and effects of anticancer drug treatment for population analysis. CPT: 
pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology. 2014;Accepted 15-Mar-2014.

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