
This is a pharmacology course organized by the Division of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Chile. It is an introductory course to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PKPD) principles and population analysis of PKPD data in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences. Training will include hands-on use of the NONMEM program.


The Course is designed for those who have knowledge of basic concepts in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and data analysis and who now wish to extend their understanding, acquiring skills in the population analysis of PKPD data with NONMEM.

Details of the Course can be found athttp://www.advancedpkpd.org/pkpd-nonmem-santiago/ <http://www.advancedpkpd.org/pkpd-nonmem-santiago/>

Nick Holford, Professor Clinical Pharmacology
Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology, Bldg 503 Room 302A
University of Auckland,85 Park Rd,Private Bag 92019,Auckland,New Zealand
office:+64(9)923-6730 mobile:NZ+64(21)46 23 53 FR+33(7)80 48 55 50
email: n.holf...@auckland.ac.nz

Holford SD, Allegaert K, Anderson BJ, Kukanich B, Sousa AB, Steinman A, Pypendop, 
B., Mehvar, R., Giorgi, M., Holford,N.H.G. Parent-metabolite pharmacokinetic models 
- tests of assumptions and predictions. Journal of Pharmacology & Clinical 
Toxicology. 2014;2(2):1023-34.
Holford N. Clinical pharmacology = disease progression + drug action. Br J Clin 
Pharmacol. 2015;79(1):18-27.

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