Dear Laureen,

I recommend that you determine with exploratory plotting how strong the 
evidence for the  3-compartment behavior is (eg. in semi-log plots: is 3 cpt 
behavior present in most subjects? are inflection points reasonably collocated? 
 how do slope changes relate to measurement noise? etc.).

If you do see strong evidence for 3 cpt behavior and have a biological 
rationale for  a third compartment, I wouldn't just drop the 3 cpt model 
because of a high condition number in the model you tested, especially since 
you said that precision did not deteriorate.
The fact that the 2 cpt model was borderline ill-conditioned (998 ~ 1000) with 
serially sampled IV data suggests that the 2 cpt model was already 
over-parameterized. My recommendation is to simplify the 2 cpt model  (eg. by 
simplifying random structure, looking for large entries in correlation matrix 
or RSEs, ...) and then run the comparison again.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Denney, William S.
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:53 AM
To: L.A. ten Berg - Lammers; ''
Subject: [NMusers] RE: nonmem question regarding condition number

Hi Laureen,

Large condition numbers (typically interpreted as >1000) indicate that two or 
more parameters in the model are highly correlated in their covariance and that 
the model parameters are difficult to identify.  Given your description below, 
I would not suggest using the 3-compartment model (even with its 180 point 
reduction in OFV) because two of your parameters are so highly correlated that 
the condition number is reaching the level of computational precision (2E16 is 
very large for a condition number).  I'd also look at the NONMEM output to see 
if the 3-compartment model had any errors around the convergence.



[] On Behalf Of L.A. ten Berg - Lammers
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 6:10 AM
To: ''
Subject: [NMusers] nonmem question regarding condition number

Dear nmusers,
I am currently analyzing PK profiles after a single iv adminstration. 
Volunteers were sampled frequently: 12 samples per curve.
For the structural model 2- and a 3-compartment models are compared. The CWRES 
vs time plot of the 2-compartment shows the typical wave, indicative for a 
3-compartment model. Introduction of a third compartment eliminated the wave, 
OFV decreased with 180 points, precision of the estimates did change notably, 
but the condition number increased from 998 to 2.0*E16.
Does anyone know how to interpret this large increase in condition number?
Best wishes,
Laureen ten Berg

[Beschrijving: cid:image001.gif@01CD804B.C9EE1BA0]

Laureen ten Berg-Lammers

    Hospital Pharmacist

Academisch Medisch Centrum
Universiteit van Amsterdam

Meibergdreef 9 | 1105 AZ Amsterdam | Room: M01-224
Tel: +31(0)20-5662726 | Pager *62726 |<>


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