Opening for Post-Doctoral Pharmacometrician Prof Dr med Johannes van den Anker, Chair, and Prof Dr med Marc Pfister, Vice-Chair, direct the Paediatric Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics research centre at the University Children's Hospital in Basel (UKBB). We develop (semi-) mechanistic models in paediatrics e.g. to understand effects of maturation on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, investigate novel biomarkers and clinical endpoints in paediatric patients, integrate models in user-friendly tools to support clinical decisions, and optimize trial designs for neonates and children.
Candidate Requirements: PhD or MD with relevant academic degree (pharmacology, statistics, mathematics) and track record of scientific publications. Extensive experience with NONMEM, Monolix, and/or R. Good interpersonal and communication skills. Optional Requirements: Basic knowledge in mathematical optimization theory to compute optimal individual dosing regimens. Core Job Responsibilities: Support clinical projects with model-based data analysis. Contribute to clinical decision making with quantitative assessments of efficacy and safety measures. Support clinical decision making by simulation and studies. Interested? Please contact Sarah Koechlin, Project Manager Paediatric Pharmacology; email:<>, phone: +41 61 704 18 17. Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel (UKBB) Spitalstrasse 33 | Postfach | CH-4031 Basel T direkt +41 704 18 17 T +41 61 704 12 12 F +41 61 704 12 13<><> [cid:image001.gif@01D2762F.DA7D2220]<> P Bitte denken Sie an den Schutz unserer Umwelt, bevor Sie dieses E-Mail ausdrucken.