Title: Modelling of tumour size, new lesions and other markers as longitudinal 
end points in oncology studies
University of Manchester | Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health | Manchester 
| United Kingdom


Supervisors: Dr Kayode Ogungbenro and Prof Leon Aarons

This 3-year full-time funded PhD covers UK/EU tuition fees and an annual 
tax-free stipend. Start date September 2017. Applicants are expected to hold or 
about to obtain, a minimum upper second class undergraduate degree (or 
equivalent) in pharmacy, pharmacology, mathematics, statistics, or a related 
discipline. A strong mathematical background or a Masters degree in relevant 
subject is desirable. Previous experience of data analysis and 
mathematical/computational modelling would be an advantage.

Kayode Ogungbenro, PhD
Lecturer in  Cancer Pharmacometrics | Division of Pharmacy and Optometry | 
School of Health Sciences
The University of Manchester | Manchester M13 9PT | United Kingdom
Tel : + 44(0)161 275 2399
Fax: +44(0)161 275 8349

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