Quantitative Modeling in Support of the Development of a Systemic Lupus 
Erythematosus Drug

Konstantinos (Kostas) Biliouris, PhD
Principal Pharmacometrics Scientist, Novartis, Cambridge, MA, USA

Wednesday, Dec 13, 2017, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST 

Register at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1722787768122350082

Abstract: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a rare, chronic auto-immune 
disease. Type I interferons, that are primarily produced in plasmacytoid 
dentritic cells, play a major role in the pathogenesis of SLE as well as its 
cutaneous form CLE. 

BIIB059 is a humanized Fc effector function-competent immunoglobulin G1 
monoclonal antibody (mAb) under development for the treatment of SLE and CLE. 
It specifically binds BDCA2, a receptor uniquely expressed on the surface of 
human and non-primate pDCs. BDCA2 receptor engagement by BIIB059 has been shown 
to mediate inhibition of IFNα/β expression, which is expected not only to treat 
the active disease (e.g. lupus skin lesions) but also to inhibit disease 
progression in SLE. 

In this presentation, I will be discussing the development of a population 
PK/PD model for BIIB059. This model will be utilized in selecting the doses for 
upcoming Phase 2 studies.

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