Dear NMusers

We are pleased to announce that Lilly and GlaxoSmithKline will present a one 
day workshop on PKPD modeling of biologics and biosimilars, co-hosted by 
Pharmacometrics Africa. The workshop will be held on Sunday 5 April 2020 at the 
World Conference on Pharmacometrics (WCOP) in Cape Town, South Africa. The 
purpose of the workshop is to equip attendees with the theoretical and 
practical aspects for modeling monoclonal antibodies, bi-specific antibodies 
and biosimilars. The schedule would be short lectures followed by hands-on 
modeling and simulation exercises. Participants will be given NONMEM control 
streams and test datasets to use as a basis for future practical 
implementation. The course is intended for those with basic knowledge of NONMEM 
and general PKPD principles, including participants from academia (students as 
well) and the pharmaceutical industry or regulatory agencies. Thanks to 
sponsorship from Pharmacometrics Africa, the registration fee is just $25. For 
more details on the workshop content and to register, please visit the links 

Workshop information:

WCOP2020 workshop registration link:

If you have any questions please send an email to<>


Emmanuel Chigutsa, PhD
Team Leader, Pharmacometrics
Global PK/PD and Pharmacometrics
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis IN 46285 U.S.A.
+1-317-651-7534 (Office)  +1-317-918-3987 (mobile)<> |<>

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