*Introduction Webinar to Population PK (PKPD) modeling*

Due to the cancellation of the PAGE conference, IntiQuan is providing its
PAGE Population PK/PD modeling workshop as a free webinar.

In contrast to most other PopPK/PD courses the focus is not on NONMEM but
on a general approach on a higher level that works in the same way,
independently if NONMEM or MONOLIX (or another NLME parameter estimation
tool) is used at the back-end.

The major topics covered are:

·        A general dataset format that is easy to program and understand

·        Data exploration with graphs and summary tables

·        Defining structural model and parameter estimation settings
(including IIV/BSV, covariance, and covariate models)

·        NLME parameter estimation in NONMEM and MONOLIX

·        Model evaluation based on goodness-of-fit plots and VPCs

·        Model simulation

·        Reporting

The main working environment during the webinar will be R.

*Target audience*

The webinar is intended for people who

·        have a basic knowledge of PK, PD and data analysis, and wish to
extend their knowledge and skills on population PK/PD.

·        have  a good understanding of parameter estimation and wish to
extend their knowledge and skills in the direction of nonlinear mixed
effect models.

·        have a good understanding of population PK/PD modeling and would
like to learn how such analyses can be conducted in a fully reproducible,
script based, manner – from data preparation to generation of the final

Knowledge of NONMEM and/or MONOLIX is not required.

*Webinar objectives*

After the webinar, the participants will be able to set up their own NLME
workflow in R to: generate and explore the modeling dataset, perform
parameter estimation in supported NLME tools, and evaluate parameter
estimation results. Furthermore, participants will be able to generate a
short report in Microsoft Word. All material and tools to perform the steps
in the webinar will be provided. Application to own modeling projects
should be feasible after the webinar.


Registration is free of charge and can be done using the following link:


*Webinar material*

Information about how to obtain the webinar material and potential
preparations will be sent out a week before the Webinar.

Best wishes,



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