Dear Colleagues,

This is the final announcement for 2020 Symposium organized by Asian 
Pharmacometrics Network (APN), to be held virtually on November 18-19.

The APN ( was created to enhance regional development 
and networking opportunities in pharmacometrics and to provide training 
opportunities to future pharmacometricians across Asia. Currently the APN has 
14 member countries.

At the APN meeting this year, speakers invited from more than10 Asian countries 
will present on various topics, which will make the APN meeting a unique 
pan-Asian forum in the region. In particular, students will be invited to 
podium presentations to encourage the participation of future 

As a post-symposium event, on November 20, there will be a pharmacometrics 
workshop for Julia Hub, organized by PUMAS-AI.

For both symposium and workshop, registration is free and its procedure and the 
program are found at For more information, 
contact the local host Dr. Surulivelrajan Mallayasamy of Manipal Academy of 
Higher Education of India at<>

Best regards,

APN Chair

Kyungsoo Park

Kyungsoo Park, PhD, MD
Professor of Pharmacology
Yonsei University College of Medicine
50-1 Yonsei-Ro, Seoul 03722, Korea
Tel +82-2-2228-1735 / Fax +82-2-313-1894

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