Dear nmusers,

This course is designed for scientists and researchers starting in the field of 
clinical pharmacology and/or pharmacometrics who want a background in the 
development, application and interpretation of population 
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics models.  For this course, an understanding of 
basic pharmacokinetic principles (ADME) is preferred. No coding experience is 
required, and all equations used during the course will be carefully 

The course will consist of lectures and assignments via Microsoft Teams.

Instructors; Dr. Jasper Stevens (University Medical Center Groningen, the 
Netherlands) and Dr. Michiel van Esdonk (Centre for Human Drug Research, 
Leiden, the Netherlands)
Duration; 2 x 8 hours
Dates; 1st and 2nd of July 2021, from 09:00-17:00 hours
Language; English
Maximum capacity; 16 participants

At the end of the course, the participant can: 
-Understand the basic theory of population PK and PK/PD models. 
-Understand how population PK/PD models are developed. 
-Understand the use of population PK/PD modelling in drug research and drug 
-Judge, interpret, and implement population PK/PD models in literature. 
-Understand how modelling and simulation can be applied in your own research.

Course fee
The course fee is 800 EUR. A limited number of students can register for a 
reduced fee (400 EUR), for which a support letter of the supervisor has to be 
included upon registration. Cancellation received before June 1st, 2021 is 
subject to full refund, cancellation received after this date is subject to 50% 

To register for the course, please send an email to 
thereby including your name, affiliation and postal address.

Jasper Stevens, PhD
University Medical Center Groningen
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology
De Brug 50.1.D.15A; AP50
PO Box 30001
9700 RB Groningen

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