Using Machine Learning Surrogate Modeling for Faster QSP VP-Cohort Generation

Christina Friedrich, PhD; Jérémy Huard
Chief Engineer, PhysioPD, Rosa & Co, LLC; Senior Application Engineer, MathWorks

Wednesday February 16, 2022, 12:00 to 1:00 pm EST
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Virtual patients (VPs) are widely used within QSP modeling to explore the 
impact of variability and uncertainty on clinical response. In one method of 
generating VPs, parameters are sampled from a distribution, protocols are 
simulated, and the possible VP is either accepted or rejected based on 
constraints on model output behavior, such as achieving reasonable responses to 
clinical protocols. The approach works but can be inefficient, i.e., the vast 
majority of model runs typically do not result in valid VPs.

Machine learning (ML) surrogate models offer an opportunity to greatly improve 
the efficiency of VP creation. Surrogate models are trained using the full QSP 
model to discriminate between parameter combinations that result in feasible 
VPs vs. those that do not. Once the surrogate models are developed, parameter 
combinations can be pre-screened rapidly, and the overwhelming majority of 
pre-vetted combinations result in valid VPs when tested in the original QSP 

In this webinar, Rosa and MathWorks will present this novel workflow and give a 
case study example using a psoriasis disease QSP model from the Rosa 
PhysioPD(tm) practice and the MATLAB® Regression Learner app to select and 
optimize the surrogate models. The VPs generated by the surrogate modeling 
approach are statistically similar to VPs generated using only the original QSP 
model. We conclude with comparisons of the relative efficiency of the methods, 
and ideas for expansion of the use of this and other ML methods in QSP modeling.

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