Thanks to Karam who retrieved the quote I mentioned from Stuart Beal.

Nick Holford, Professor Emeritus Clinical Pharmacology, MBChB, FRACP
mobile: NZ+64(21) 46 23 53 ; FR+33(6) 62 32 46 72

From: karam alali <>
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 7:31 PM
To: Nick Holford <>
Subject: Re: [NMusers] %RSE for IIV when expressed as %CV instead of variance

Hi Prof. Nick,

I got a capture of the original quote from web archive:<>

Best Regards,

Karam Alali
Ph.D. Candidate
Universiti Sains Malaysia

On Sun, 12 May 2024, 2:10 am Nick Holford, 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Anita,

Some history on expressing the variance estimate of the random effects of a 
parameter can be found here:<>
Stuart Beal wrote about this issue in 1997 and cautioned that the 
interpretation is in the eye of the user because NONMEM does not require ETAs 
to be normally distributed: "Many discussions state that ETA is assumed to be 
normal, but these are often misleading. While there are sometimes good reasons 
for making this assumption, the NONMEM methodology largely avoids the 
assumption." He proposed the term "apparent coefficient of variation" as a way 
of implying a normal distribution of ETA. "Since we do not need to make the 
normality assumption, it does not follow that the "extra accuracy" given by the 
lognormal formula really represents extra accuracy; it can just as well be 
garbage. Suppose we want to really do the right thing, and CV is large (perhaps 
as a pragmatic matter, we will judge the CV to be large when the results from 
the two formulas differ substantially). Then we should probably avoid reporting 
the CV as a "CV", but report it as an "apparent CV"."

Unfortunately, the original quote that I cited from Stuart Beal (the originator 
of NONMEM) no longer seems to be available.
In the example you provide you mention ETA so presumably you are referring to 
random parameter variability not residual error. I encourage you not to use the 
acronym “IIV” because without other information is not clear if this means 
“inter individual variability” (e.g. PPV, population parameter variability of a 
parameter) or “intra individual variability” describing residual unexplained 
variability, RUV (“residual error”).
The relative standard error can be estimated using a non-parametric bootstrap 
by dividing the standard deviation of the bootstrap distribution by the average 
of the bootstrap distribution of the parameters. The non-parametric BS does not 
make the assumption that the uncertainty of the parameters is normal and 
therefore symmetrical.
Best wishes,


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Nick Holford, Professor Emeritus Clinical Pharmacology, MBChB, FRACP
mobile: NZ+64(21) 46 23 53 ; FR+33(6) 62 32 46 72

<<>> On Behalf 
Of Anita Moein
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 3:09 PM
Subject: [NMusers] %RSE for IIV when expressed as %CV instead of variance

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Dear All:

I have a question regarding reporting ETAs as %CV instead of variance.

In NONMEM the IIV estimate is reported as variance with associated RSE%.

How can I convert the IIV Estimate and RSE% to report it as CV%?

Thank you!


Anita Moein
Senior Scientist
Modeling and Simulation | Clinical Pharmacology | Genentech
Phone: (650) 866 7701 | Cell: (415) 254 7972

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