From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [IP] the FCC and Comcast  - a query from your editor
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:35:28 -0500

I have heard endless suggestions that the FCC stop what many consider  
improper network management practices by Comcast .. As a former Chief  
Technologist of the FCC I have some understanding of the level of  
technical competence and deapth at the FCC and some understanding of  
the process they and the companies they regulate go through to enforce  
regulations -- long and painful and often producing the opposite  
results intended.

So lets get down to details. What exactly do you want to FCC to do  
about network management. Details -- not just enforce NN -- that is a  
motherhood statement. Details and then  maybe the conversation can get  

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