Brett, these users voluntarily choose to use the gmail application. We tell 
them in advance that we will select advertising based on the message contents. 
You seem to assert the right to inspect my packets even if all I am using is 
your packet transport service. V

----- Original Message -----
From: Brett Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Vint Cerf; Sean Donelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Fri Mar 07 14:21:24 2008
Subject: Re: [ NNSquad ] Re: Civil Rights Groups Wants P2P Throttling  to 
Preserve Rights (or something like that)

At 12:59 PM 3/7/2008, Vint Cerf wrote:
>the issue is whether I am using Brett's email services or not, as I  
>see it. He is right to resist abuse of email relays. He is also right  
>to limit total consumption. but I am not comfortable with the idea  
>that he could inspect my packet content and decide on the basis of  
>protocol or content what I can send.


I find this highly ironic. As we are all aware, Google not only inspects the 
contents of GMail users' highly personal e-mail but uses them to target 
advertising at them. Certainly, this is far more egregious than simply 
monitoring (and no more than we need to!) to stop abuse.

--Brett Glass

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